The Abyss

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Click Picture to Play Movie

When I found you,
and you were blue like this,
this movie was the first thing
that came to my mind.
We often watched it as we went to sleep.
You had played The Abyss for me,
you wanted me to see it,
because you said that you used to
watch it all the time in '89
after I left,
because it really reminded you of us.

When I found you,
there was really no doubt in my mind
that I could get you back.
I even screamed at you to fight,
and slapped you while I was giving you CPR.
I thought if I could
get the paramedics there,
if I could have them zap you,
that you would come back.
Had I known that it was hopeless,
I would have picked up that gun
that was lying there
and gone with you.
Never would I have endured this hell
that is my life now,
my life without you.

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Thanks to The Font Factor for the font Roughedge